The exploration of space has captivated humanity's imagination for centuries, inspiring both scientific inquiry and artistic expression. I still remember how popular space galaxy art was in the mid-2010's that it was so common to see such imprints on clothes like hoodies and leggings. As time passes, we’re uncovering a realm where scientific discoveries intertwine with creative interpretations, and as technology develops, new paths for artistic discovery open up as our understanding of the cosmos changes with time.

Space Galaxy Fashion

Space has unquestionably been a source of interest throughout human history. Our quest to understand the mysteries of the cosmos has been everything but insufficient, from the ancient civilizations that looked up at the stars and created tales of gods and heavenly entities to Nicholas Copernicus's Heliocentric model with the sun at the center of the solar system. Then, in July 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by being the first person to set foot on the moon. That moment in history not only signaled a significant advancement in space exploration, but it also sparked a sense of collective wonder and potential. It reminded us that our aspirations to reach the stars were not restricted to the domain of fantasy.

Planets and Gods

The intersection of space and art sparks creativity, enabling artists to translate astronomical wonders into visual representations. Artists have created breathtaking paintings, sculptures, and multimedia installations that depict the magnificence and mysticism of space, inspired by celestial discoveries. The "Overview Effect" project is one outstanding illustration of this intersection. This project is a documentary that enables people on Earth to relate to astronauts' perspectives by utilizing a variety of artistic mediums like photography, cinema, virtual reality, and multimedia installations. The project hopes to spark discussions about sustainability, the future of space travel, and humanity's contribution to protecting our planet. It serves as a reminder of the influence that place may have on our culture as a whole. Art has the capacity to transform these experiences into insightful and thought-provoking statements.

Overview Effect

New avenues for astronomical artistic expression open up as technology develops. We can have things like interactive exhibits, virtual reality experiences, and scientific graphics. We gain a greater understanding of the size and interconnection of the universe by connecting scientific inquiry and artistic interpretation.

Dyer, Nat. “The Overview Effect.” Resurgence, Accessed 2 June 2023.

Jana, Rosalind. “To the Moon and Back: The Most Dramatic Space-Inspired Fashion through the Years.” British Vogue, 24 June 2019,

Nix, Elizabeth. “Who Named the Planets?” History, Accessed 2 June 2023.

Vesna, Victoria. “Space+Art.” DESMA 9. Accessed 2 Jun 2023.

Winterburn, Emily. “The Life of Nicolaus Copernicus.” Sky at Night Magazine, 2 Feb. 2023,

Clerc, Lucille. “The Overview Effect.” Resurgence, Aug 2021, Accessed 2 Jun 2023.

“Different Ways To Wear The Galaxy Trend.” The Fashion Visuals, 3 Jun 2013, Accessed 2 Jun 2023.

“Meet the Planets.” NASA, 12 Jun 2019, Accessed 2 Jun 2023.


  1. Hi Winzel! Very great blog this week. I liked how you discussed the immense influence that outer space has had on our society. In particular, the throwback you made of the galaxy print on clothing was a great example because I also remember seeing that exact print on so much clothing. While that specific fabric choice has died down a lot in fashion, it is as you said, space continues to be an incredible inspiration and influence on human creativity and art since the beginning of ages. Such as the names of the planets after Roman gods and entities, it influences religion and culture, to which that influences pop culture and genres like sci-fi and fantasy. Overall, great thought-provoking post!


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